Manually Adding and Editing Subscribers

On the MailPoet > Subscribers page, you can manually add new subscribers or edit existing subscribers.

There are also a number of bulk administrator actions you can perform. More information about managing your subscribers lists is available here.

Add a New Subscriber

Clicking the "+ Add New" button at the top of the Subscribers page will allow you to manually add a new subscriber to your list.

On the Subscriber profile page, only the E-mail field is required to be filled out, but you will also have options to set the subscriber's:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Status: Subscribed, Unconfirmed, Unsubscribed, Inactive, Bounced
  • Lists they should be subscribed to
  • Tags to add to their profile

The profile will also include any Custom Fields that you have added (either by adding to a Form, or via CSV import).

Editing an Existing Subscriber

From the MailPoet > Subscribers page, you can also edit an existing subscriber by clicking their email address, or hovering over them and clicking the "Edit" link. This will bring up their Subscriber profile page, similar to above.

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