Create a Post Notification Email

You can automatically send your latest published WordPress posts to your subscribers. In other plugins and services, this feature can be called Post2Email or RSS-to-Email. 

Simply go to  MailPoet > Emails and click on the "+ New Email" button:

1. Select the type of newsletter

From the types of campaigns, select the Latest Post Notification option by clicking on the "Set up" button:

And then you can choose the frequency of this type of campaign and send it  once a day, a week, a month, on a specific day of the month, or immediately after the post has been published:

When choosing to send it  immediately, you'll send an email newsletter each and every time you publish a new post. If your publishing frequency is more than one email per day, we recommend picking a different frequency to avoid sending your subscribers too many emails.

Note: when selecting the option "Monthly on the…" there's not an option for 29th, 30th and 31st because of February's 28 days. When selecting "Monthly every… 1st, 2nd, 3rd, last... Monday to Friday...", we do not offer "4th" as an option as there might be up to 5 of the same weekday in a month, but it’s not always the case.

2. Select a template

You'll then see the Templates page where you can choose a pre-defined template for your newsletter. You can use a template from a recently sent newsletter or just explore the options in the "Post Notifications" tab.

3. Design

All Post Notification emails should include the Automatic Latest Content widget.

When creating a Post Notification, all the posts you see in the Automatic Latest Content block are going to be sent in the first email. 

After the first email is sent, only newly published posts will be sent. When editing an existing Post Notification after the first time sending, all the posts you see in the newsletter editor are just for illustrative purposes

After you have finished designing your newsletter, you can click on the "Next" button if you're ready to move on to the last step page.

Please note you can also preview your newsletter before sending it, save it as a template, or just close the window if you don't want to take any action at the moment. 

4. Activate it or save it as a draft

On the last step page, you can see all the settings related to your newsletter: 

If you click on the "Activate" button, the first Post Notification will be sent with the posts displayed in the editor.

After the first email has been sent, the Post Notification will be triggered again only when newly posts are published.

Updating a post doesn't trigger the Post Notification. If you want to re-send an already published post, you'll need to publish it as a new post.

If you save it as a draft, you can find your draft later under MailPoet > Emails > Post Notifications and continue to edit it.

To make sure the Post Notification email is activated, you should go to   MailPoet > Emails Post Notifications tab and check if it's listed as Active (status toggle should be orange):

Once you have sent the first email, you'll see a "View history" button in the "History" column. 

By clicking on it, you'll have access to a list of all Post Notification emails sent and their individual data:

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