Create a Standard Newsletter

You can manually create a standard newsletter to be sent immediately or scheduled to be sent at a later time.

Standard newsletters are useful for sending individual, non-recurring emails to your subscribers. 

If you want to automatically send the same newsletter on a regular basis, you should create a Welcome Email or a Post Notifications email instead.

Simply go to MailPoet > Emails and click on the "+ New Email" button:

1. Select the type of newsletter

From the types of campaigns, select the Newsletter option by clicking on the "Create" button:

2. Select a template

You'll then see the Templates page where you can choose a pre-defined template for your newsletter. You can use a template from a recently sent newsletter or just explore the options in the "Newsletter" tab.

3. Design

After you have finished designing your newsletter, you can click on the "Next" button if you're ready to move on to the last step page.

Please note you can also preview your newsletter before sending it, save it as a template, or just close the window if you don't want to take any action at the moment. The newsletter is autosaved, so everything will be saved as a Draft newsletter in the MailPoet > Emails > Newsletter tab, and you can edit it at another time.

4. Send it immediately, schedule it, or save it as a draft

On the last step page, you can see all the settings related to your newsletter: 

  • which List(s) you'll send the newsletter to;
  • set up Sender and Reply-to names and email addresses (by default, you'll see the ones you've set it in the Basics tab);
  • select to schedule a newsletter and then choose when it will be sent:

If you want to immediately send the newsletter, just complete the process by clicking on the "Send" button.

You can also save the newsletter as a draft including the settings, or go back to the Design page to continue editing your template. If you save it as a draft, you can find your draft later under MailPoet > Emails > Newsletters and continue to edit it.

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