[FAQ] The Free Version 500 Subscribers Limit

You can subscribe to our free Starter plan up to 1,000 subscribers and send all your emails with our own sending service for free!

1. Why does this limit exist?

We've kept most of MailPoet free and the huge majority of free users is a testament to this great value we have always wanted to offer.

2. How is this 1,000 limit calculated?

All users with the status of Subscribed, Unconfirmed, and Inactive will be counted. This is also valid for users added to the WordPress Users list and the WooCommerce Customers list, meaning they are counted as well. 

For example, if you have 1,000 confirmed MailPoet subscribers and 2 confirmed WordPress users, your total subscriber count will be 1002.

3. What happens if I go over the 1,000 subscriber limit?

If you go over this limit, you'll receive an email notifying you that you had exceeded your subscribers' limit. If you don't take any action, sending will be disabled and you'll be shown a page to upgrade

Visitors to your site can still sign up for your newsletters and you can continue to delete and import additional subscribers by accessing the MailPoet > Subscribers page.

4. Is there a limit to the number of newsletters that I can send?

In addition to the 1.000 subscribers limit, you can also send up to 5,000 emails per month with the free version. That means if you are using the limit of subscribers allowed (1,000) you can send up to 5 emails per month. Whereas if you have 500 subscribers, you can send up to 10 emails per month.

5. How many free plans can I subscribe to per account?

You can subscribe to 2 free plans per account. Note that we will take into account any type of free subscription (currently available or available at any point in the past). This means Starter (new free plan), free subscription up to 2,000 subscribers (retired), free subscription up to 1,000 subscribers (retired), or a mix of two of them.

6. What about a Multisite install?

Multisite is not supported since Version 3.0.8.

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