How to Import a Suppression List

What's a suppression List?

A suppression list is basically a list of subscribers you don't want to send to. This list may include email addresses of users who opted out of your email campaigns as well as:

  • Invalid email addresses;
  • Bounced email addresses;
  • Addresses that marked your message as spam

When you're importing a list of subscribers from another email solution, you should separately import the list of bad or previously unsubscribed addresses to MailPoet. This way, you avoid contacting them by mistake, which can affect your deliverability and also is not a good sending practice as you're insisting on sending emails to invalid addresses and/or people who withdraw consent and decided to stop receiving your emails.

How to import subscribers to a suppression list?

1) Select the list you'll be importing your subscribers to. You can create a new MailPoet list when importing your subscribers from somewhere else by clicking on the "Create a new list" link:

2) Set the new subscribers' status to "Unsubscribed":

If you believe you may have already imported bad addresses from this list as "Subscribed" previously, you should also select to update existing subscribers' status to "Unsubscribed".

MailPoet plugin won't send any email to "Unsubscribed" users, so that's the best way to ensure these addresses are stored on your database and added to a suppression list.

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