Automation Triggers

When creating an Automation, choosing a trigger is the first step. Your workflow will hinge upon which trigger you decide to use, whether it is an abandoned cart or an order status change in your WooCommerce store. Each trigger is an event that may occur and lets you automate specific actions accordingly.

Here, you can find a comprehensive list of available triggers, separated by type.


WordPress User Registers

Triggers when a user registers a user account on the site through your website's registration form.

Note that if Sign Up Confirmation is enabled, the user will only enter the automation once they confirm their subscription and have their status changed from UnconfirmedtoSubscribed

The trigger settings on the right sidebar allow you to set a specific user role. This gives you the power to set an action like Send Email with personalized content for each user role.

User makes a comment

Fires when a user posts a comment on your website. From the trigger settings, you can filter the conditions in which the trigger will be fired. This gives you more customization options.


Someone Subscribes

Triggers when a user subscribes to your list(s). 

Note that if Sign Up Confirmation is enabled, the user will only enter the automation once they confirm their subscription and have their status changed from UnconfirmedtoSubscribed.

The trigger settings on the right sidebar allow you to set a specific list. This gives you the power to set an action like Add tag to add different tags to subscribers based on the list they are joining.

Tag added to Subscriber

This trigger allows you to have a subscriber enter the automation by adding a tag to them. You can select which Tag(s) being added will fire the trigger in the settings in the right sidebar.

Note that adding tags to subscribers in bulk (via admin bulk actions or CSV import) will NOT trigger the automation. You need to manually edit each subscriber and add the tag individually for the automation to work.

Tag Removed from Subscriber

This trigger allows you to have a subscriber enter the automation by removing a previously added tag. You can select which Tag(s) being removed from the subscriber will fire the trigger using the settings in the right sidebar.

Subscriber Clicks a Link in Email

Triggers when a subscriber clicks on a link in a specific newsletter. You can choose which newsletters the trigger will target from the trigger settings on the right sidebar:


Emails sent by triggers related to Orders are considered transactional emails, so they are fired whether the customer is subscribed to your newsletters or not as long as the automation is set to send an email immediately following the order status change (without a Delay action).

Order Status Change

Triggers when an order's status changes. In the trigger settings, you can set it to fire at any status change or at specific status changes (e.g., from Processing to Complete).

Order Completed

Fires when an order status changes to Completed. It's similar to the above but more straightforward. 

Order Cancelled

Triggers when an order is cancelled.

Order Created

Triggers when a new order is created (i.e. as soon as a customer places an order).


Customer Buys a Product

Triggers when a customer buys a product. From the settings, you can select specific products and the order status that should fire the trigger. 

Customer Buys from a Category

Triggers when a customer buys a product from a specific category. From the settings, you can select the category(s) and the order status that should fire the trigger. 

User Abandons Cart

Triggers when a subscriber leaves a product in the cart without completing their purchase. You can select what timeframe should determine that the cart was "abandoned" in the trigger settings:

Emails sent by this trigger are considered transactional, so they will fire whether the customer is subscribed to your newsletters or not as long as the automation is set to send an email immediately following the trigger (without a Delay action).

Also, note that MailPoet needs to be aware of the visitor's email address, so they will need to either 1) be logged into an account, or 2) have a cookie set in their browser that allows the plugin to identify the subscriber (by clicking a link in an email received from MailPoet).

Customer Makes a Review

Triggers when a customer leaves a product review on your website. You can find several customization options in the settings. It's possible to set the review status and the rating that should trigger the automation, as well as select products, categories, and tags

Woo Subscriptions

Emails sent by triggers related to Woo Subscriptions are considered transactional emails, so they are fired whether the customer is subscribed to your newsletters or not as long as the automation is set to send an email immediately following the trigger (without a Delay action).

Woo Subscriptions Status Changed

Triggers when subscriptions' status changes. In the trigger settings, you can set it to fire at any status change or at specific status changes (e.g., from Active to On Hold).

Woo Subscription Started

Triggers when a customer's subscription period starts. 

Woo Subscription Trial Started

Triggers when a subscription trial period starts.

Woo Subscription Trial Ended

Triggers when a subscription trial period ends.

Woo Subscription Renewed

Triggers when a subscription gets renewed.

Woo Subscription Payment Failed

Triggers when the payment for a new subscription purchase or a renewal fails. 

Woo Subscription Expired

Triggers when a subscription expires.

Custom Trigger

This trigger enables developers to create a customized trigger that responds to specific hooks in WordPress. More details about this trigger can be found here.

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