How to Send an Ebook or PDF to Your Subscribers After They Join Your List

It's easy! Note that you cannot attach a file to an email. However, you can very easily link to it from within an email.

First, you need to create a Welcome Email to send after a new subscription:

Second, choose when the welcome email should be sent. You can choose one of the two options below: 

  • When someone subscribes to the list... This option allows you to send emails to subscribers who join one of your MailPoet lists.
  • When a new WordPress user is added to your site... This option allows you to send emails to new WordPress users.

Then, select a template and go to the Newsletter Designer. 

Here, you simply need to add a link to the PDF file to an image, button, or text inside your newsletter. In the example below, we added a button with a link to our ebook.pdf file:

Step 1: Add a Button 

Drag the Button widget into the Designer.

Step 2: Click the Gear Icon to Edit the Button's Settings

To modify the button's settings, hover over the button and click the gear (cog) button that appears.

Step 3: Add the Link

Finally, add the link to the PDF file.

Step 4: You're Done!

This button will now link to your file and every new subscriber will receive this welcome email.

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